Bid Invitation from Geruwa Rural Municipality for Construction of Cold Store

Geruwa Rural Municipality Office of the Rural Municipal Executive - Tender/Invitation for Bid

Source: Rajdhani National Daily

Bid Invitation from  Geruwa Rural Municipality for  Construction of Cold Store

Posted: 308 days ago


1.The Geruwa Rural Municipality invites electronic bids from eligible bidders for the following works.

S.N.Contract ID No.Description of WorksEstimated Amount (Nrs) (Exclusive of VAT and ContingenciesBid Security Amount (Nrs)Bid Submission Date (Date, Time)Bid Open- ing Date (Date, Time)Bid Document Fee (Nrs)Remarks
1W/GRM/NCB/10/2080-081Construction of Cold Store (Electrical, Mechanical and Civil works)1,72,33,586.954,85,000.002081/01/21, Till 12:002081/01/21, 13:003,000NCB

2. Only Electronics bidding through is permitted. Elligible bidders may obtain further information from Geruwa RM and email:- [email protected]/contact:-9868252424, 9858038124 or may visit PPMO website bidders should deposit the cost involves in the projects account as specified below

BankRevenue AccountRevenue HeadingDharauti AccountBid Security Validity Period
Nepal Investment Mega Bank Ltd, Geruwa Branch1720140000010980181017201400000062120 days after Bid opening Date

3. The employer reserves the right to accept or reject, wholly or partly any or all the bids without assigning reason whatsoever.


4. Matters not covered by this notice shall be in accordance with Public Procurement Act, 2063 and Public Procurement Regulations, 2064 and other prevailing rules and regulations. 


5. During Bidding Process Contractor should Read Terms and Condition (Design, Drawing & other clauses etc) of Tender Carefully

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Geruwa Rural Municipality Office of the Rural Municipal Executive
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