Construction of Admin Annex Building at Ishworpur, Sarlahi

Ishworpur Municipality - Tender/Invitation for Bid

Source: Gorkhapatra

Construction of Admin Annex Building at Ishworpur, Sarlahi

Posted: 210 days ago


1. Ishworpur Municipality, Office of Municipal Executive, Ishworpur Sarlahi invites electronic bids from eligible bidders under National Competitive Bidding.

2. Eligible Bidders may visit PPMO e-GP system for applying and can visit for detailed Notice regarding this bid.


3. The details of project are as following:

S.N.Contract No.Description of WorkBid Security Amount (Nrs.)Bid Validity PeriodBid Document Cost (Nrs.)Last Date and Time of Bid SubmissionEstimated Cost (With VAT and PS)
1NCB/ BW/11/ 080/081Construction of Admin Annex Building13,25,000.0090 Days5,000.002081/03/23 (12:00 Noon)Single stage Double Envelope


4. The employer reserves the right to accept or reject wholly or partially any or all bids without assigning any reason, what so over. 


5. Bidders are advised to submit the documents required for the submission of bid compulsorily as asked in bid document in proper formats. Failure to do so may result in rejection of the bid.

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Ishworpur Municipality
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