Road upgrading work upto subbase from Ganesh Bist's house to Mahendra Bist House ,ward no.03 and from Ratan Khadka's Khet to Gadda Chaurah,ward no.03 and 04 ,Beldandi Kanchanpur.
Beldandi Rural Municipality, Kanchanpur - Tender/Invitation for Bid
Bid now on the 'Road upgrading work upto subbase from Ganesh Bist's house to Mahendra Bist House ,ward no.03 and from Ratan Khadka's Khet to Gadda Chaurah,ward no.03 and 04 ,Beldandi Kanchanpur.' tender by Beldandi Rural Municipality, Kanchanpur within 12th November, 2024.